Course 4 - Strategy

Your search strategy is your roadmap to success

Developing a strong research strategy sets you and your client up for success

Every single search needs an established research strategy. Agreeing on a research strategy with your client ensures you are on the same page regarding goals and expectations. Some key concepts we'll cover include:

  • Establishing expectations
  • Setting guiding parameters
  • Defining the job spec
  • Benchmarking profiles

Strategy Setting Checklist

Ensure your strategy gets off to the right start with this Strategy Setting Checklist.


Candidate Criteria Example Sheet

Refer to this Candidate Criteria Example Sheet for an example of what specific candidate criteria should look like.

Course Slides

Reference the course presentation slides from the video.




Course 3




Course 5


The only platform built to support your firm in all eight stages

The Eight Stages of Successful Retained Search is more than just a methodology, it's a business solution. Clockwork is the only platform built upon The Eight Stages to solve all your retained search needs. Learn more about how you can take advantage of Clockwork's customizable platform by talking to a specialist today. 

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