Clockwork Video Library

Below are a series of videos to help you with some frequently asked questions from Clockwork users.

Firm Settings

Changing firm-wide and user-level settings. Only accessible to users with partner or admin role permissions.
Change and update firm name and logo for white labeling
Update default project visibility settings, create and edit workflows and firm-wide Gong Report settings
Access your billing settings to update payment details, download invoices or subscribe to add-ons
Add, remove and deactivate users within your firm
Reorder candidate statuses, create templates and configure project statuses.
Create, edit and update Custom Fields for people and other objects. Leverage custom fields when using people filters
On-Demand Person Enrichment individually or in bulk, purchase credits and where to view enrichment history


Sort, filter and organize your search projects in projects view. Clone projects, see candidate and search-specific metrics
Deleting a project from your Clockwork firm
Create and share Job Specifications, Requirements, and set Research Criteria for benchmarking candidates.
Create Target Company Lists with companies and candidate work experience for faster sourcing
Use Grid View to organize, edit, rank and categorize candidates on your search project
Configure the Project Dashboard to see talent-metrics and monitor search progress
Controls for setting Client visibility in all views within a project
Configure and use Long List for and Status Report for benchmarking and shortlisting candidates

Clockwork Menu

Understanding the main Clockwork navigation menu for managing Home, People, Deals, etc.
See a preview of what you have done and have upcoming in six cards, as soon as you login.
See how to add potential candidates and people into your Clockwork database
Use filters and boolean search criteria to find, manage and organize people and create multiple filter views
Create, update and close Deals for managing business development
Track interactions and see engagement metrics for candidate outreach

User Profile Settings

Update and manage profile settings for login credentials and setting user defaults.
Update your login email and credentials, time zone, password, photo and other user profile information
Create, assign, filter and manage Tasks for yourself or a team member. Update Task Reminder preferences and settings
Update notifications settings to receive alerts by email, in-app or web / browser push notifications
Update and edit settings for Gong Report, Email Client and Default Project View for a user


Past videos and webinars for best practices on executive search and industry trends and issues.
A webinar series for executive search firms and executive recruiters focusing on trends, issues and shifts that are impacting the search industry and landscape
A video series for Executive Search Firms on trends shaping and impacting our industry and the world around search

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