Purchasing Credits in Bulk for Clockwork's Integration with Nubela

Clockwork’s integration with Nubela has opened new doors for updating your database and preventing staleness. On-demand People Enrichment (OPE) and On-demand Company Enrichment (OCE) are the premier solutions to reducing time spent pulling updates from LinkedIn or other platforms into Clockwork.

The use of On-demand People Enrichment (OPE) and On-demand Company Enrichment (OCE) are billed through credits. Each update is equivalent to $0.25. Credits can be added to any Clockwork User either as a self-service item in the Billing tab or for customers who pay by ACH, credits and payment can be managed by emailing billing@clockworkrecruiting.com.

The discount rate for credits purchased in bulk is as follows:

Credits Cost per credit Discount applied OPE Discount code OCE Discount code
1 - 499 $0.25 0% N/A N/A
500 - 9,999 $0.20 20% Off ENRICH500 CENRICH500
10,000 -  24,999 $0.18 30% Off ENRICH10000 CENRICH10000
25,000 -  49,999 $0.15 40% Off ENRICH25000 CENRICH25000
50,000 -  $0.125 50% Off ENRICH50000 CENRICH50000

Follow these 4 simple steps to have the discount applied to your account:

  • Step 1: Log into Clockwork and click on Firm Settings (under the CW logo on the top lefthand). Then, under the Billing Tab, click the ➕ icon to open and add OPE credits.
  • Step 2: Enter the desired credits in the quantity field and click "Apply". The promo code will automatically appear after "Apply" has been clicked on. 

  • Step 3: Next, press the button "Confirm".
  • Step 4: A green banner will pop up on the top of your screen to let you know the credits have been successfully added.
Any Firm User may now begin updating their records. Full detailed instructions on using OPE can be found here and instructions on using OCE can be found here.